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Overlake Christian Church Main Gym

9900 Willows Rd, Redmond, WA 98052


Winter Semester: Nov 7th to Jan 30th

Nov 7th,14th,21st,(No 28th)

Dec 5th, 12th,19th

Jan 2nd, 9th,16th,23rd, 30th


Spring Semester: Feb 6th to Apr 24th

Feb 6th,13th,20th,27th

Mar 6th,13th,20th, 27th

Apr 3th,10th,17th, 24th


Pre-School Tennis

For children aged 4-6, designed to spark their interest in tennis. Coaches use customized equipment to create an enjoyable learning environment. Classes meet weekly for 1.5 hours, focusing on basic running, catching, and hitting through playful activities rather than strict technique. Coaches tailor the training to each child’s needs, promoting a relaxed atmosphere. The program enhances hand-eye coordination, attention, and social skills while fostering emotional expression. Through group games, children learn cooperation and how to handle success and failure positively. Independence is encouraged, so parents are not advised to attend. Activities promote teamwork and communication, allowing kids to showcase their abilities. **Unique Approach** What sets ANC apart is its integration of gymnastics with tennis, enhancing flexibility and coordination. This fun blend prepares children for future tennis skills while building confidence and a love for sports. The program focuses on overall development, ensuring kids enjoy their experience while laying a solid foundation for their athletic journey.


美和网球少儿启蒙班专为4-6岁儿童设计,旨在激发他们对网球的兴趣。教练使用定制的训练设备和趣味工具,创造愉快的学习环境。每节课程时长1.5小时,通过有趣的活动进行基础的跑步、接球和击球练习,而非单纯的技术训练。 教练根据每个孩子的特点灵活调整训练,营造轻松的氛围。该项目提升手眼协调、注意力和社交能力,同时促进情感表达。通过小组游戏,孩子们学习合作,积极应对成功与失败。 我们鼓励孩子们独立,因此不建议家长陪同参与。活动强调团队合作和沟通,让孩子们展示自己的能力。 **独特之处** 美和网球的特别之处在于将体操与网球训练相结合,增强孩子们的柔韧性和协调性。这种有趣的结合为孩子们未来的网球技能打下基础,同时培养他们的自信和对运动的热爱。该项目注重全面发展,确保孩子们在享受运动的同时,奠定扎实的运动基础。

Pre-School Tennis 少儿启蒙班(周四)

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